Note: Yes, I'm still sticking with the Blogging for Scrapbookers
class. What happened between prompt 3 and prompt 13? Life! I promise to
get them all written up and posted soon :)
This assignment asks us to take a look at what we
were doing a year ago, a retrospective. If we can go further back, we
are asked to do that as well. Instead of posting photos that could take
us back years and years, but take hours and hours to find (will do it
though, once I'm organized!), I've found three blog posts. What I found
funny was once I located the post about Mama Math, I realized I could
write the exact same thing - for all of my kids - today!
So here it is, reposted:
Time: it's a love-hate thing
who knows me knows I have a love hate relationship with time. I love my
clocks. I live knowing exactly what time it is. I'm very much a fan of
order and control, that is when time is my friend.
I have four children which is when time is my enemy.
cannot stand anyone who is habitually late. It is so incredibly
disrespectful. It is a physical manifestation of the belief that the
time of X time is more valuable than the time of Y. Truly arrogant
people are late. That's not a dig, it's a fact. If I'm late there are
two options: I'm dead or I've been made late by someone who considers
their time more important than mine.
I go crazy when I feel like
I don't have enough time. It means I have not managed the time given to
me, well. Grr. One thing I am able to do well is manage time so the
feeling of being rushed is somewhat foreign and uncomfortable. Makes me
very irritable. That is not a good thing.
Time management is something I'm trying to teach my children.
I collected Cole from school yesterday he was in a surly mood. He had
handed in an assignment - a brochure outlining how Ireland would be a
good trading partner for Canada. He was given two weeks to complete the
assignment. He got the rubric back and received a 3- (translation: B-).
Wow, was he ever upset with himself. We had a talk and I managed to
calm him down.
Then he said it. The worst sentence ever. "I didn't have time".
When my brain regained function, I took Cole through an exercise. Mama's TIME MATH:
168 are the hours in a week (24 x 7)
70 are the hours of sleep in a week (10 x 7 days)
30 are the hours of school (6 x 5 days)
You cannot change these hours, they are what they are, what's left?
68 hours
8 hours are dedicated to hockey games and/or practice throughout the week
has 60 hours. SIXTY HOURS to do with whatever he chooses to do. Clearly
homework is not one of his priorities or it would be done, better. He
was shocked when he saw the numbers. Claire was equally shocked.
have been given an exercise for the next week. Starting now they have
to document what they are doing with those 60 hours. I'm curious to see
how they actually manage their time. I think they'll be surprised.
The differences this year? Cole is less surly, well, less surly today!
I discovered Mama Math it has been used often throughout the year since
I first posted. My kids are very clear that "I didn't have time" is not
a valid excuse for not getting their homework or household chores done.
It doesn't work for me, it won't work for them.
Here on
the LINARstudio, which was just getting off the ground, I blogged about
the assignment I did for the Cathy Zielske Design Your Life course:
DYL: Real World Colour Assignment 6
This was fun as I played around with coloured photos of Claire and
Cole and came up with the look in the layouts. I rarely, if ever, play
with my photographs in any editing software. I tend to believe that my
photography skills will suffer if I thought there could be a quick fix!
But in this case, I thought it would be fun and it fit with the theme
of the assignment:
Cardstock: Bazzill; Printed Paper: SEI; Stickers: Thickers, SEI; Font: Creepy, Arial
Cardstock: Bazzill; Printed Paper: SEI; Stickers: Thickers, SEI; Font: Creepy, Arial
And that's what was going on in my life, a year ago, on
November 20th, 2008. I am not much of a live in the past type - I spend
most of my time learning from the present and moving forward. Works for
me. But, this little visit has been fun. Maybe because very little has
As for November 20th, 2007? I was surprised to find a post,
though I can't for the life of me remember in what context it was
posted. Clearly I was just being myself!
Heed the horoscope ...
This is my horoscope for yesterday:
August 23 - September 21
be surprised if you are scolded by people who are upset about the way
you are handling certain things in your life, dear Virgo. Most likely,
the people who criticize the most are the ones who understand the
least. They are probably just on a completely different wavelength than
you are, and it is not your job to try to change them. Nor is it your
responsibility to change your ways because of them.
Probably the
ONLY time I should have actually read, and heeded, my horoscope. I
should have waited just one day to raise a stink! Pretty
cryptic, but not much of a surprise. At the time I was very involved
with an on-line message board. It was more than a little toxic and
getting worse by every passing moment. I spent a lot of time making
every effort to turn lemons into lemonade, providing huge sums of money
for a new gallery in an effort to bring these women together in
positive exchange, but those women were clearly not interested in
anything but being miserable. It took a few months, but I managed to
extricate myself completely from this group in the summer of 2008. No
"hairflip" just a very quiet exit, with no goodbye to anyone. I'm told
nothing has changed and it continues to be mean-spirited and often
The good news? Life is getting WAY BETTER and I'm glad I'm not where I was in 2007!
Where were you in 2008? 2007? Do you remember?