Today's edition is a funny. In a roll your eyes kind of way. Yay :)
Slice of Life 3/4
When Caden bounded into the car after school he was bursting, so excited to share that he had won, he won! I had no idea what he was talking about; it could have been anything from mini-sticks at recess to an eraser for a spelling test. It turns out that there was a draw at the Book Fair that has been going on at the school for the last few days. Caden won the grand prize!
Caden has been begging, in the way only an 8-year-old-youngest-of-four-children can for Pokemon books. Isn’t Pokemon over yet? Clearly not. I was so proud of myself. I stood firm and gave him no money for books. I gave his big brother, the reader, money to buy books for him.
Today Caden won free books. The condition made by the organizers was that he split the $50 prize and give $25 to his class and he in turn could purchase $25. He was so excited to tell me he got not one but TWO Pokemon books, and a poster!
His eyes were so bright and guileless: thrilled to have gotten he books he wanted.
No doubt I’m going to have to get him some “real” books to offset what he just purchased for himself. But, he’s reading. How bad can it be?