I don't know about you, but I'm more than willing to skip over the snow portion of winter and head right on into Spring!
The good news, I can. Well, I can, in a manner of sorts.
I follow quite a number of blogs written by a number of incredible women. Artists. Life Coaches. Decorators. Mums. Photographers. Writers. Scrapbookers. Business women. Teachers. Inspiring, every one of them. When they combine their efforts, like that of write.click.scrapbook, Wish Studio and Ella Publishing Co. I get a bit giddy with anticipation of brilliance. I have not yet been disappointed.
Four incredible women:
Carolyn Rubenstein of A Beautiful Ripple Effect, and more.
Jess Constable of Makeunder My Life, and more.
Michelle Ward of When I Grow Up, and more.
Jess Gonacha Swift of Pecannoot, and more.
have joined forces to bring us, in the middle of autumn: SPRING Inspiration in Bloom. Head on over and check it out. Find out about each of these women, check out their blogs, and more. I was hooked when I read their purpose: "opening an insightful dialogue that focuses on helping you design a life you love."
Oh my! They're speaking to me, directly to me. Are they speaking to you, too?