There's always something going on, but I've managed to make time to do a Layout-A-Day. I find it easier to carve out a half-hour to an hour each day than I do to remember to take a photo a day for the 365 challenge. I'm seriously considering doing a layout a day as opposed to photo a day for 2010. Thinking I'll have that challenge start October 1, rather than November 1, so I have 31 days already completed!
Here are the recent layouts:
Day 20 (based on the Ella sketch found: here)
Day 21 (based on the Feeling Scrappy sketch found: here)
Day 22 (based on an Ella gallery layout found: here)
Day 23 (Not based on anything except my need to use up my Daisy D's rubons!)
Day 24 (this was a just back from basketball, sent one off to hockey, another to the movies, gotta get laundry done, get another ready for hockey and where the #&^%! is the wine opener layout)
What about you? Are you participating in a Layout A Day? Is it something you'd find interesting? Would you do it for a year? What do you do to keep yourself motivated and creative? Do you stall out? Are you stuck on the idea that every layout has to be "publishable" or perfect?