For the last couple of months I have been terrible about keeping my calendar up to date. This has gotten me into a bit of trouble with some double bookings or completely forgotten appointments. I think it has more to do with too many methods for keeping a calendar - Blackberry, computers, paper calendar - and none of them "talk" to each other, than actually not having a method. I have too many. They are clumsy and annoying and something I have been avoiding fixing for a couple months now.
I spent all morning updating my Blackberry, so at least one method is completely up to date. Not only that, but I managed to book all of the summer camps, made travel arrangements for two family trips, hotel reservations and a few other little niggling details.
What a relief! Amazing how a simple thing can make you feel energised. And organized.
I've also been negligent with maintaining my lists. Many, many lists. That is my next project today, put a big list together. Then start scratching it off. The best list is the one with all the lines through it!