A few months ago, when I signed up for the Stacy Julian taught course: "A Library of Memories", over at Big Picture Scrapbooking, I received a box of stuff. In that stuff were two pens. Both black, American Crafts, .03 and .08 Precision Pens. They are FANTASTIC!
You know when you find a perfect writing instrument: pen, pencil, marker, that makes you write well (legibly) and want to hand-write more? THIS is the pen for me. I have been using them on my "Have More Fun" layouts - yes, I'm still in the middle of that project! - and they are so lovely to use on the Bazzill Cardstock.
I have become such a huge fan of American Crafts. I daresay, if I had to use only one brand, this would be the one I'd choose, though I'd miss Bazzill and the others, I'd probably be able to make do!
On Friday an order of pens (and albums) arrived. I'm branching out - going into coloured pens, too. I'm so adventuresome ;)
Do you have a favourite brand or product? If so, let me know, I'm easily enabled to good quality stuff!