This time we were given a 2-page 12x12 sketch to continue with our understanding of asymetrical balance. I don't know that this would be a sketch I use again, well, maybe if I flipped it upside down. I've decided to follow more closely the assignments as assigned - with the measurements assigned - and then modify them based on what I've learned at a later date if I'm so inclined.
Layout: You're IT
Cardstock: Bazzill; Printed Paper: GCD Studios; Stickers: American Crafts; Font: Century Gothic
Journaling: "Gather seven kids together on a grey and foggy Cape Cod afternoon and tell them all to "get along and play". They have access to seventeen acres of wildlife, trails, ocean, bog, trees and back roads. What do they come up with? Hide and seek. I'm just happy everyone was found by the end of the day!"