As I've already posted, I am participating in the Design Your Life class over at Big Picture Scrapbooking and loving every minute of it, even more than I had anticipated. Be assured, I had very high expectations of this class!
I have been mulling this linarstudio blog for a long time and though it has been "up" it has not been running. Not the way I have it planned ... at least, in my head! I have been considering a logical "start" point for sharing my layouts and my discoveries. I've shared some discoveries, evidence can be found in all the great links to your right and left; but, no layouts, thus far. To limit confusion - mine, not yours! - I'm going to post each assignment in sequence.
Some of you may have seen these layouts on my Lemons2Lemonade blog, but I'm one of those start-from-the-start types so I apologise for any repeats, but we're only in week 2 of 12, better now than any later into the class, eh? :)
So, let's get started. Proof that I actually do scrapbook!
Our first pre-class assignment was to write down our intention taking the course. The hard part? It was to be handwritten. Here is mine:
The second pre-class assignment was to take a sketch and duplicate it using specific design, colour and measurements:
With a few detail shots: