[It looks like my Friday DO posts are running a bit long. Like REALLY long! As always, feel free to read through this, my planned album making projects for 2010 - or come on back tomorrow.]
I've been happy with my creative process so far in 2011. Good thing we're only a couple of weeks into things, isn't it? I figure if I celebrate my early success (#reverb10 album DONE; December Daily album DONE), I'll be more likely to continue in effort of further success. Make sense?
I just sat down and put together - what became - a very long list of my album projects, as they are known to me right now, for 2011. I'm sharing them for two reasons: accountability and you know how much I love a list! I have learned that you have to set yourself up for success and in order to do that you must prepare with the end in mind. This is my prep:
MMEL: Move More Eat Less
As often happens, I'm totally inspired by Cathy Zielske. As mentioned in my Personal DO | 01 entry of January 7th, my primary personal focus for 2011 is my weight. Cathy has found a way to combine my hobby with my impending torture and I've started the MMEL project: templates have been purchased AND I've completed my title page AND my first layout, complete with photos and measurements. Scary stuff, but it has to be done!
Album: digital; 8.5" x 11" Orange or Bright Green
Happiness Captured
My weekly photography challenge with Jill Conyers. We are two weeks in and two weeks done! Can you imagine looking back at weeks of things that only bring you happiness? This may turn out to be the real Me: A to Z :)
Album: hybrid; 5x7 red, black or brown; to accomodate vertical photos
Team Up Thursday
My original weekly photography challenge with Shirley LeMay. We are continuing through 2011 and I'm thrilled to be exercising this process.
Album: altered; 4x6; to accomodate vertical and horizontal photos
Yesterday & Today
I am in the remedial program (politely called alumnae, year 2) of this class over at Big Picture Classes. Again lead by the incomparable Ali Edwards. The other day I was on the Log Your Memory site and when we were listing out some of our projects I wrote a simple sentence crushing in its truth: "getting stuck on the yesterday" which may be why it's not getting done. I am an onward person. I recently found a fantastic quote that really resonated with me: "You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don't try to forget the mistakes, but you don't dwell on it. You don't let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space." - Johnny Cash I know that is not a philosophy that jives well with the Yesterday & Today project, but that really is my struggle. Don't expect this to be done any time soon while I wrestle with my daemons.
Album: hybrid, no album decided; put all materials in one big box; file all assignments in folder on desktop; print the rest and put in binder to put in box.
One Little Word
Another more "do-able" project over at Big Picture Classes, again lead by Ali Edwards. This is my third year choosing a guiding word. Far more flexible than a list of resolutions which I will fail before I even begin. The beauty of the word idea is that you never fail, you just move on to something that works better within the context of the word. For those of you who don't know, my word this year is DO.
Album: hybrid, 8.5x11, bright green, mixture of page protector sizes. To this I will be adding a "Jill Section" to accomodate all of the photos taken during our One Little Word | Captured challenge of this year.
Picture Winter
Yes, I am a Big Picture Classes JUNKIE! As a follow-up to Tracey Clark's Picture the Holidays, I enrolled in Picture Winter. I rarely, if ever take photos in the winter and this was the perfect way to get in an do just the thing I don't do. I've met some success and more challenges. I really have to start uploading photo on the BPC site!
Album: hybrid, 2-up album, black; alter with wood snowflakes.
12 of 12
I started this project way back in 2008! I've stuck with it every month since and (knock wood) have not yet missed a month. It is such a joy to look back and see how things have changed, and stayed the same. Sometimes I miss the time when the kids were all little, but I am really anxious to see who they become.
Album: hybrid, 8.5x11, black. So happy I've finally settled on the perfect esthetic.
52 Photos
I have decided to forego any P365 attempts this year. I'd rather focus on quality than quantity and actually get the albums DONE. In my effort, I've embraced this project hosted by my friend Monika Wright and her friend Elisabet Ottosson over on Flickr. The photos will do me no good whatsoever kept captive on my blog or in my iPhoto so in an album they'll go.
Album: digital, 8x8, black. I will combine 2 photos per page in an old CM album. Gotta use up the old stuff!
Celebrate Monday
I am practicing my vertical shots and using Celebrate Monday to do it. When Jennifer over at Simple Scrapper started the Celebrate Monday challenge on her blog there were no themes. Since Monday is my most favourite day of the week (how else do you get 52 chances for a fresh start?) I decided to celebrate my everyday Monday experience. I'm going to continue on ignoring the theme :)
Album: hybrid, 4x6, red. I have to find what I want. I think I know, but will only really know when I get to the store. Oh, my kingdom for a Target!
Simple Things
Another photo challenge that needs an album "home" in order to have it housed somewhere off the www and my iPhoto. Rebecca Cooper has the participants choose the simple photo of their week and they're all posted on Sunday. So nice to see how everyone spends their time!
Album: hybrid, 8x8 old Creative Memories album - or maybe another old 12x12 album. We'll have to see. Still thinking about things!
Month In Review
Another Cathy Zielske-inspired project which combines my photos taken during each month with the summary of our month I share here on the blog. Using CZ's gorgeous templates, each month has multiple pages and is a perfect place for those photos that would not normally find a "home" in any other project. I know, is that possible? Yes. It is. :)
Album: digital, 8.5x11, brown. I know, a lot of 8.5x11. LOVING this size for the simple everyday projects. Very versatile especially since I can insert simple page protectors with things from school and other activities.
Upcoming Projects (yes, more!):
An upcoming project - at where else? BPC - lead by the thoughtful and talented Karen Grunberg. As I'm a regular embracer of imperfection, this sounds like it will be a great way to package it all and put it together in an album project.
Album: Unknown. The 1st lesson is February 10th.
An upcoming project (I hope). I've completed two versions of this album: October 2008 and April 2010. They have turned out to be the most-read albums in my house. They are in the family room, with a number of other albums, and I often see the kids taking them off the shelf and flip through them, laughing and telling stories to each other. One of the many reasons I admire Ali Edwards so much is that, with her guidance, I created the most valuable albums in our collection. The first two projects were 18-months apart. I like the idea of representing different seasons. Maybe I can create the 2011 version in the summer, maybe sometime in July? Though, I really enjoyed the online community Ali built with the last project, so I may wait and see if another is scheduled for this year.
Album: hybrid, 12x12. Bright Green.
Reading through that huge list my plans looks very busy. I think if I put the processes in place it should be manageable. I find that my most effective album making is done in more project format than some never-ending album of ephemera - items, thoughts, ideas and photos. I enjoy making my 12x12 layouts and giving the time and attention to certain events, but it is the everyday stuff that really makes me love the combination of photos + words in simple contained projects.