There is always something to do, isn't there?
Now that I've fully participated in the Celes-lead Live a Better Life Challenge, I feel more confident and refreshed. In that month I've managed to accept some stuff, toss some stuff and got the kids off to a pretty smooth start to their school year, it's now time for me to focus on home. I know I've been kvetching about the state of our abode for a while - the sheer volume of stuff threatens to overwhelm. I realize it is a function of big space and many children, but it's daunting and relentless.
Now that the holiday and entertaining season is upon us, I'd like my home tidy and organized enough that when I take out the seasonal decorations it LOOKS like an effort was made to decorate. I don't want it to look like an extention of the clutter of hockey gear, laundry and backpacks.
Another challenge to the rescue. Not only that, but there is really more than one ... there are EIGHT!
Last month, through a very typical blog journey, I stumbled upon the most wonderful blog and the very first post I read was a 31 Day Challenge for October. Not only is she offering a 31 Days to a Less Messy Nest (hello! me, waving, this is for ME!) she has teamed up with seven friends who are offering 31 Day Challenges of their own:
:: 31 Days to Stress-Free Entertaining from Sandy at The Reluctant Entertainer
:: 31 Days to a Better Photo from Darcy at Life With My 3 Boybarians
:: 31 Days to More with Less from Jen at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam
:: 31 Days of Autumn Bliss from Melissa at The Inspired Room
:: 31 Days of Living Simply from Emily at Remodeling This Life
:: 31 Days to an Inspired Table from Kendra at My First Kitchen
:: 31 Days of Grace from Emily at Chatting at the Sky
THERE AREN'T ENOUGH DAYS to take in all of this goodness. But I'm going to give it my best shot.